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Izoria,Z (2610) - Lenderman,A (2443) [D15]
92 champ (camp)-Marshall CC New York , Nueva York USA (8), 26.01.2009
1.c4 c6 2.Cf3 d5 3.d4 Cf6 4.Cc3 a6 Chebanenko 5.g3
Not is a usual reply against of Chebanenko's variation. No es una replica común contra el esquema Chebanenko
[more precisely was mas precisa era 5...dxc4 as it was, for example, in the game Grischuk-Wang Yue, Baku, 2008: 6.Ce5 Cbd7 7.Cxc4 b5 8.Cd2 Ab7 9.Ag2 e6 10.0-0 Ae7 11.e4 0-0 12.e5 Cd5 13.Cxd5 cxd5 14.Te1 Tc8 15.Af1 b4 16.Cf3 a5 17.Ad3 Db6 and Black is well and alive. El Negro esta bien]
6.c5 Af5 7.Ag2 e6 8.Ce5
White prepares f2-f3 and e2-e4, the plan of g3. El blanco prepara f2-f3 y e2-e4, el plan de g3
[A novelty in an unusual line. The antecedent is: . Una novedad en una variante poco común. El antecedente es: 8...Ae7 9.0-0 0-0 10.f3 h6 11.e4 and White is better, Y el blanco está mejor. Solozhenkin-Westerinen, 1994]
9.f3 h6 10.e4 Ah7 11.Cd3
With e4-e5 in mind, seizing more space. El blanco tiene e5 en mente, capturando más espacio.
11...a5 12.e5 Cg8
[12...Cfd7 was better; the square e7 belong for a bishop. Era mejor, en la casilla e7 debe estar el alfil. 13.Ae3 Ae7 14.0-0 0-0 15.Dd2 with very slight advantage of White. Con ventaja muy ligera para el blanco.]
13.Ae3 Ce7 14.Af2
Profilaxis. The black intented ...Nf5, but now the white have g3-g4. El negro intentaba ...Cf5, pero ahora el blanco tiene g3-g4 1
4...Ca6 15.0-0 Cc7 16.Cf4
With Nh5 in mind. Con la idea de Ch5
A ugly move, bad sign. Una fea jugada, lo cual no pinta bien
17.Dd2 Rd8
whitout options, the black goes with his king to queen side. Sin opciones el negro lleva su rey al flanco dama.
18.g4 Dd7 19.Ag3 Rc8 20.h4 g6?
Both bishops are bad. The trench the black wants to build is a peaseant's dream. Los alfiles estan mal. La trinchera que el negro quiere establecer es un sueño guajiro. [20...Rb8!? 21.h5 Cc8 looks bad, but not so bad like ...g7-g6. Se ve mal, pero no tan mal como ...g7-g6]
frees f1 for a bishop. Para dejar f1 al alfil.
21...Ag7 22.Te1
Profilaxis. Against of f7-f6. Contra f7-f6
[22...f6? 23.exf6 Axf6 24.Tfe2+- and pawn e6 is lost. Y el peón e6 cae]
23.Af1 Taa8 24.Cg2
White has found the only place in Black's "fortress" that can be attacked right now - a pawn h6. El blanco detecta el punto sensible de la muralla negra: h6 24...Ag8
Black should to brick up own rook in order to defence a pawn.
El negro deja a la torre a la defensa de un peón
25.Af4 Af8 26.Ad3 Ce8
Now White begins an attack at the queen-side. Black is not able to defence both sides as well. There is no communication between them.
La ventaja de espacio permite al blanco pasar de un ataque de un flanco al ataque al otro.
27.a4! b4 28.Cb5! cxb5 29.axb5 Rc8 30.Ta1 Db7 31.Ae3 Cc7
[if Si 31...g5 is not an hard task to prevent this kind of a counterplay No es dificil prevenir este tipo de contrajuego. 32.hxg5 hxg5 33.Axg5 Ah7 34.Af1±
The bishop h7 has no any perspective. El alfil h7 no tiene perspectivas]
32.b6 Ce8 33.Ab5 Cc7
[If si 33...Cc6 White has the plan b2-b3, Qd3, Rfa2..
El blanco tiene el plan b2-b3, Dd3, Tfa2....]
34.Af1 Ce8 35.b3 h5
look at the bishop g8! Vea al alfil de g8 tan mal. [35...Cc6 36.Ab5 Rd7 37.Dd3+-]
36.g5 Cg7 37.Ab5 Cgf5 38.Dd3 Cc6 39.Axc6!
Profilaxis : Preventing Nfe7 Previniendo Cfe7
39...Dxc6 40.Tfa2 f6 41.Txa5 Txa5 42.Txa5 Rb8
[42...fxe5 43.Da6+ Db7 a) 43...Rd8 44.Da8+ Dxa8 45.Txa8+ Re7 46.b7+-; b) 43...Rb8 44.Da7+ Rc8 45.Da8+ Dxa8 46.Txa8+ Rb7 47.Ta7+ Rb8 48.c6 Ad6 (48...Th7 49.c7+ Txc7 50.bxc7+ Rc8 51.Ta8+ Rxc7 52.Txf8+-) 49.dxe5 Axe5 50.c7+ Axc7 51.bxc7+ Rc8 52.Af4+-; 44.c6 Dxa6 45.Txa6+-]
43.gxf6 Th7 44.Af2 Af7 45.Ce1 g5 46.Cc2 Black resigned. Se rinde el negro.! 1-0
Delgado Ramirez,N (2550) - Martinez,Lel (2485) [A24]
ch camp-CUBA Las Tunas CUB (7), 26.01.2009
1.c4 Cf6 2.g3 g6 3.Ag2 Ag7 4.Cc3 0-0 5.d3 d6 6.e3 e5 7.Cge2 Cbd7 8.0-0 Ch5 9.Ad2 f5 10.f4 [Maybe better was to play first
Tal vez era mejor jugar primero 10.b4 and just after y sólo hasta después de 10...g5 - 11.f4 ] 10...Cc5 [ In a case of En caso 10...Chf6 11.b4 De7 12.Dc2] 11.d4 [more solid was, Más sólido era 11.Dc2 Ce6 12.b4 Cf6 (12...g5 13.fxg5 (interesting was Interesante era 13.g4 fxg4! 14.f5 Cef4! 15.exf4 gxf4) 13...Dxg5 14.Tac1 preparing d3-d4 preparando d3-d4 (14.d4?! exd4 15.exd4 Cxd4) 14...c6 15.d4 White is better El blanco queda mejor) ] 11...Ce6 12.d5 Cc5 13.b4 Cd7 Very unusual situation, Black lost four moves, but he is not so bad and e4 is a weak square for White. Una situación poco común, el negro virtualmente ha perdido cuatro jugadas pero no ha quedado tan mal y e4 es una debilidad del blanco. 14.Tc1 [14.Dc2 was more logic, the queen rook belongs a file. Era más lógica, la torre dama debe quedarse en la columna a.] 14...a5 15.a3 axb4 16.axb4 exf4 17.exf4 [After Tras 17.gxf4 e3 is weak. e3 queda debil.] 17...Te8 Black is in posession of both open lines El negro tiene las dos columnas abiertas. 18.Cb5 Cdf6 19.Ced4?! [ was necessary to control an e4-square: Era necesario controlar e4 con 19.Cec3!? ] 19...Ce4 with the initiative. Con la iniciativa 20.Ae1 Ugly. Feo 20...Chf6 21.Cb3 Cg4 [21...Ad7!? 22.Dd3 (22.C5d4 Ta3) 22...Axb5 23.cxb5 Dd7 with idea of Qf7. Con la idea de Df7] 22.Tf3 e3 problem. El problema e3 22...Ad7 23.h3 weak g3. Debil g3 23...Cgf6 24.C5d4 Ta2 25.Rh2 walking into a pin; king on g1 is safe so far... Clavandose sólo, el rey en g1 estaba seguro por el momento... [White has to change rooks El blanco tiene que cambiar torres. 25.Ta1 Da8 26.Txa2 Dxa2 27.Af1] 25...h5 26.Ca5? [Was necesary Era necesario 26.Tc2 Da8 27.Txa2 Dxa2 28.Dc2 with resistance. Con resistencia.] 26...h4! g3 is the weak point. g3 es el punto debil 27.gxh4 The only Unica [27.Cxb7?? hxg3+ 28.Axg3 Da8 29.Ca5 Td2 30.Dg1 Cg4+ 31.hxg4 Axd4 32.De1 fxg4-+ with Kf7 and Rh8 con Rf7 y Th8] 27...Ch5 28.c5? uf [The strongest was Lo más fuerte era 28.Ta1 Txa1 29.Dxa1 Df6 30.Cab3 Ah6 31.Dc1 Axf4+ 32.Txf4 De5 33.Ce2 Cef6 but Black has an huge advantage Pero el negro tiene gran ventaja] 28...Ah6? subestimating the resources defensives of the opponent. Subestimando los recursos defensivos del oponente. [best was mejor era 28...Cxf4! 29.Txf4 Ae5 30.Df3 (30.Ag3 Cxg3 31.Rxg3 Axf4+ 32.Rxf4 Dxh4+ with a checkmate y mate) 30...g5 31.Cxb7 Df6 32.hxg5 Dxg5-+] 29.c6! Axf4+ 30.Rg1? wrong Se equivocó [correct was Correcto era 30.Rh1! Ac8 (30...bxc6? 31.dxc6 Ac8? (31...Ae6 32.Cxe6 Txe6 33.Db3 Df6 34.Dxa2 Axc1 35.b5 with complicated position Con posición complicada) 32.Txf4! Cxf4 (32...Txg2 33.Txe4! Txe4 34.Rxg2± with extra piece Con pieza de mas.) 33.Db3+ Rf8 34.Dxa2 Cd3 35.Da1! Cxc1 36.Dxc1 Df6 37.Cb5 and White is leading. El blanco lleva la delantera) 31.cxb7 Axb7 32.Cxb7 Da8 33.Ca5 (33.Txc7? Ta1 34.De2 Chg3+-+) 33...Axc1 34.Dxc1 Dxd5 35.Cac6 unclear Poco claro] 30...bxc6 31.dxc6 Ac8 32.Db3+ [32.Txf4? Cxf4 33.Db3+ (33.Axe4 Txe4 34.Db3+ Ae6! 35.Cxe6 Ce2+ 36.Rf1 Cxc1 37.Cxd8+ Cxb3 38.Cxb3 Th2-+) 33...Ae6 34.Cxe6 Txg2+-+] 32...Rf8 33.Dxa2 Axc1 Black is better now. Ahora ya esta mejor el negro. 34.Ce2 Ah6 35.b5 De7 36.Cb3 Ae6 37.Ced4 [37.Db2 Ag7 38.Cbd4 Ac4-+] 37...Axb3 [37...Ad5!-+ with following Nf4 seguido de Cf4] 38.Cxb3 [38.Dxb3?? Cc5 and Qe1 y De1] 38...Cg5! 39.Tf1 [39.hxg5 Dxe1+ 40.Tf1 De3+ 41.Df2 Axg5 42.Dxe3 Axe3+ 43.Rh2 Te5-+] 39...De3+ 40.Rh2 [40.Af2 Cxh3+-+] 40...Ce4 41.Af3 Df4+?! [Better was Mejor era 41...Cf4 ] 42.Rg2 Ceg3?? A blunder Error marcó el marcador [correct was correcto era 42...Chg3 43.Tg1 Dxh4 44.Cd4 Dg5 45.Rh2 Df6-+] 43.Ad2! Te3 44.Da8+ Rg7 [44...Re7 45.Axe3 Dxe3 46.Dc8±;
44...Rf7 45.Ad5+ Re7 46.Txf4 (46.Tf2!+-) 46...Cxf4+ 47.Rf2!! (47.Rg1 Te2 Nh3 is a threat Se amenaza Ch3 48.Axf4 Axf4 idea Be3 Idea Ae3 49.Ag2 Ae3+ 50.Rh2 Cf1+ 51.Rh1 Cg3+ Black has a perpetual check El negro tiene jaque perpetuo.) 47...Cxh3+ 48.Rg2 Cf4+ 49.Rg1 Te2 50.Axf4 Axf4 51.Ag2 Ae3+ 52.Rh2 Cf1+ and White's king has place on h3 Y el rey blanco puede ir a h3 53.Rh3+-] 45.Axe3 Dxe3 46.Da1+? [better was Mejor era 46.Dd8 Cxf1 47.Dxc7+ Rh8 (47...Rg8?? 48.Ad5+ Rh8 49.Dd8+ Rg7 50.Dg8+ Rf6 51.Df7+ Re5 52.De6+ Rf4 53.Dxd6+ De5 54.Db4+) 48.Dd8+ Rh7 49.Axh5 Dg3+ 50.Rxf1 Dxh3+ 51.Re2 De3+ 52.Rf1 Dh3+=] 46...Rh7 47.Axh5 [47.Dd1 Cxf1 48.Axh5 Cg3! 49.Af3 Ce4-+] 47...Cxh5 48.Tf3 De2+ 49.Tf2 Dxb5?! [Better was Mejor era 49...De4+! 50.Tf3 (50.Rg1 Ae3-+) 50...Cf4+ 51.Rg3 Cd3 52.Dd1 De5+ 53.Rg2 Ce1+ 54.Rf2 Cxf3 55.Dxf3 Dxb5-+] 50.Dc3 Ag7 51.Df3 Ae5 52.Td2 [52.Cc1 Cf4+ 53.Rg1 Dc4 54.Ce2 Ch5!] 52...Cf4+ [52...Dc4! would win a pawn h4 gana un peón en h4.] 53.Rh1 Dc4 54.Td1 Ch5 55.Cd2 Dxh4-+ 56.Tb1 Cg3+ 57.Rg2 Dg5 58.Cc4 Ce4+ 59.Rf1 [59.Rh1 Ad4-+] 59...Ad4 60.Te1 d5 White resigned. Se rinden blancas 0-1
Kamsky,G (2725) - Topalov,V (2796) [C65]
World Chess Challenge Sofia BUL (2), 18.02.2009
1.e4 e5 2.Cf3 Cc6 3.Ab5 Cf6 4.0-0 Ac5!? 5.Cxe5
[Mas complicado es more complicate is 5.c3 0-0 6.d4 Ab6 7.Ag5 h6 8.Ah4 d6]
[5...Cxe5 6.d4 a6 7.Ae2]
6.De2 Cxe5 7.d4!?
[7.Dxe4 De7 8.d4 Cc6 9.Dxe7+ (9.Dg4 h5!?) 9...Axe7]
[7...Ae7 8.Dxe4 Cg6 9.f4!? , Shirov-Grischuk, New Delhi 2000.]
[8.Dxe4 Cc6]
8...Cxc5 9.Cc3N
[9.Af4 f6 10.Te1 0-0 11.Axe5 fxe5 12.Dxe5 Dxe5 13.Txe5 d6 14.Ac4+ 1/2, Sigurjonsson-Beyen, Nice ol 1974;
y en caso de and in case 9.b4 a6™ 10.bxc5 axb5 11.Te1 , Gipslis-Gonsoir, Hradec Kralove 1977, - 11...Ta6!÷]
[9...c6 10.f4 a6?! (10...Cg6 11.Ae3! 0-0 12.f5‚ con idea de f6-f5 with f5-f6 ideas) 11.Te1! axb5 12.Dxe5 Dxe5 13.Txe5+ Ce6 14.f5+-]
[Ahora Now 10.Ae3 Sería contestado con will be replied by 10...Ce6 11.f4 f5!] 10...c6 11.Ag5 f6
[11...Dd6!? 12.Tad1 Dc7 13.Af4!? Cxf4 14.Dxc5 d6! 15.Txd6 0-0=]
12.Tae1 Ce6 13.Ad3 0-0 14.Ad2 d5
[14...Df7 15.Ce4 Ce5 16.Dh3 d5 (16...Cxd3 17.Cd6!) 17.Cd6 Cg5™ 18.Dg3 Dc7 19.Cxc8 Taxc8 20.Txe5 Dxe5 21.Dxe5 Ch3+ 22.gxh3 fxe5 23.f3²]
[15.Axg6 hxg6 16.Dxg6 f5]
15...Dc5+ 16.Rh1?
[16.Ae3 d4 17.Axg6 Dxh5 (17...hxg6 18.Dxc5 Cxc5 19.Axd4²) 18.Axh5 dxe3 19.Txe3=]
16...d4 17.Af5
[17.Dxc5 Cxc5 18.Ac4+ Rh8 19.Ce2 Ce4! (19...b5 20.Ab4) 20.Ab4 Td8µ] 17...Tf7?
[17...Cexf4! 18.Txf4 dxc3 19.Axc3 (19.Ae6+ Axe6 20.Dxc5 cxd2-+) 19...Axf5 20.Txf5 Dc4µ]
18.Ce4 Dd5 19.Axg6 hxg6 20.Dxd5?!
[20.Dxg6 Cf8 21.Dg3 Af5 22.Df3 Td8]
20...cxd5 21.Cd6 Tc7!
[21...Te7 22.Ab4]
[Better was. Mejor era 22.Cxc8 Taxc8 23.Txe6 Txc2 24.Ab4 Txb2 25.a3 d3 26.Tee1 Tcc2 27.Td1 Txg2 28.Tf3 Txh2+ 29.Rg1]
22...dxc3 23.Axc3 d4 24.Ab4
[24.Cxc8 dxc3 25.bxc3 Taxc8 26.Txe6 Txc3]
24...Ad7 25.Tf2 a5 26.Aa3 b5 27.b3 b4 28.Ab2 Ta6! 29.Ce4
[Line-"c" can't be locked anyway: No se puede cerrar la columna c 29.Cc4 Ab5-+]
29...Tac6 30.Rg1 Tc2 31.g3 d3 32.Td1 f5 White Resigns Se Rinde el blanco 0-1
Ragger,M (2540) - Potkin,V (2613) [D43]
Aeroflot Open Moscu RUS (2), 18.02.2009
1.d4 d5 2.c4 c6 3.Cf3 Cf6 4.Cc3 e6 5.Ag5 h6 6.Ah4 dxc4 7.e4 g5 8.Ag3 b5 9.Ae2 Ag7!? [9...Ab7] 10.e5 [10.a4 g4! (10...b4 11.e5±) 11.Cd2 b4 12.Ca2 (12.Cxc4 bxc3 13.Cd6+ Rf8 14.bxc3©) 12...Dxd4 13.Cxb4 (13.Cxc4 Cxe4) 13...c3! 14.bxc3 Dxc3 15.0-0 Dxb4 16.Cc4?! (16.Tb1) 16...Cxe4 17.Tb1 Dc5 18.Cd6+ Cxd6 19.Axd6 Dd4µ , Werle-Motylev, Corus B 2009] 10...Ch5?! [10...Cd5 is worth considering: Valía la pena de considerar 11.Ce4 0-0 12.Dc2 , Kotanjan-Livshits, Aeroflot-B 2005, 12...g4! 13.Cfd2 Cb4 14.Dc3 c5!„] 11.Ce4?!N [Better was to include. Era mejor incluir 11.a4 Db6 first: Primero 12.Ce4 0-0 13.Cfxg5! Cxg3 14.hxg3 Cd7 (14...hxg5 15.Cf6+ Axf6 16.Dc2+-) 15.a5 (15.Dc2 f5!) 15...Dc7 16.Dc2 Td8 17.Ch7+- , Nenrichs-Van der Vliet, NED-chT 2000 .] 11...0-0 12.Dc2 [12.Cfxg5? Cxg3 13.hxg3 hxg5 14.Cf6+ (14.Dc2 f5 15.exf6 Txf6!) 14...Axf6 15.Dc2 Te8-+] 12...Ca6 [12...g4 13.Ah4!] 13.0-0-0 [13.Cfxg5? Cb4 14.Dd2 (14.Db1 hxg5 15.Axh5 Cd3+-+) 14...hxg5 15.Dxb4 Dxd4µ] 13...Da5 14.Db1 [14.a3 b4 15.Cexg5 Td8!] 14...Cb4 [Threat Nfxg5, Se amenazaba 14...g4 15.Cfd2] 15.a3 Cd5 16.Cfxg5 hxg5 17.Axh5 Ah6? [17...b4! 18.Cxg5 f5!] 18.Dc2 Tb8 [18...b4 19.axb4 (19.a4 b3 20.Dxc4 Aa6) 19...Dxb4 20.Cf6+ Cxf6 21.exf6±] 19.Cf6+ Cxf6 20.exf6 e5!? 21.Axf7+! [21.Axe5? b4! 22.Axb8 g4+ 23.Td2 (23.Rb1 Af5-+) 23...bxa3‚] 21...Txf7 22.Dg6+ Ag7 23.dxe5 c3? [Mejor era better was 23...b4! 24.a4 Ag4 25.h4 Dxa4 26.hxg5 Da1+ 27.Db1 Dxb1+ 28.Rxb1 Axd1 29.e6!÷] 24.h4! g4 [24...cxb2+ 25.Rxb2 b4 26.a4+-] 25.h5! b4 26.h6 Af5 27.Dxf5 bxa3 [27...cxb2+ 28.Rb1 bxa3 29.De6+-] 28.h7+? [28.hxg7 cxb2+ (28...axb2+ 29.Rc2 b1D+ 30.Txb1 Da2+ 31.Rxc3) 29.Rc2 Dc5+ 30.Rd2 Td8+ 31.Re2 Dc4+ 32.Re3 (32.Dd3!) 32...Dc5+ 33.Rf4+-] 28...Rh8 29.fxg7+? [29.b3! a2 30.Rc2 Da3 31.De6 Db2+ 32.Rd3 c2 33.Ta1 Td8+ 34.Re4 Dd4+ 35.Rf5 Tdf8 36.Ah4 Todo es alrededor del peón f6 (all is around pawn f6) 36...Dd3+ 37.Rg5 (37.Rxg4 De4+ 38.f4 Axf6 39.Axf6+ Txf6 40.Dxf6+ Txf6 41.exf6 Dxg2+ 42.Rf5 Dd5+=) 37...Ah6+! 38.Rxh6 Txh7+ 39.Rg5 Tg8+ 40.Rf4 Dd4+ 41.Rg3 Dd3+=] 29...Txg7 30.b4 [30.b3 a2 31.Rc2 Da3 32.De6 Db2+ 33.Rd3 c2-+] 30...a2! [30...Dxb4 31.Dc2 Da5 32.Da2 Tgb7 33.Ah4 Dxe5 34.The1 Df4+ 35.Te3 Tb1+ 36.Dxb1 Txb1+ 37.Rxb1 Db4+ 38.Rc2 Db2+ 39.Rd3 c2 40.Th1 c1C+! (40...c1D? 41.Af6+ Dxf6 42.Te8++-) 41.Rc4 Dc2+ 42.Rd4 Rxh7 43.Ad8+=] 31.bxa5 a1D+ 32.Rc2 Db2+ 33.Rd3 c2 34.Tc1 [34.Re3 c1D+ 35.Txc1 Tb3+-+] 34...Td8+ 35.Re2 Db5+ 36.Re1 Db4+ 37.Rf1 Td1+ 38.Re2 Dd2# Mate Mate. 0-1